Sitemap - 2021 - The Simple Heart

The strange story of Anthony Fauci

The killing of Eko the Tiger

How to change an organization

Why E.O. Wilson should matter to animal rights supporters

Does hard work actually matter?

Locking people up – even racists – is not the answer.

The solution to sadness isn't happiness. It's kindness.

The benefits of fasting

A (late) list of things that I'm most looking forward to in 2022

The pandemic killed human community

The cruel irony of Pixar's animal stories

The question asked at every slaughterhouse

I hate slaughterhouses. But I've missed them.

How Disney rules the world

The problem with zoos

Consumer activism is dying. Is that a good thing?

Maybe it just comes down to life and death

When I lost Lisa, I lost a connection to the world

A quick note on the podcast

The Goat Trial on Democracy Now

Mental health is collapsing. Is "safety-ism" to blame?

The simple formula behind social change is not so simple

The sad case of Ruby Montoya

The Guardian on the North Carolina Trial

My new life as a convicted felon

The case goes to the jury tomorrow

Should I embrace a felony conviction?

Thoughts on the end to trial

I'm cheating, but I'm slammed

Gagging animal rights activists in North Carolina

It’s a “small world” after all

Three things to look out for as trial begins

Five predictions as I go to trial

Animals are not things

Unexpected allies

This could be my last night with my cat

Did a court rule that animals are "persons"?

Three contrasts at this week's turkey rescue

I broke the promise

Am I ready to go to prison?

Political whiplash

How to get out of a felony

What I learned in the Sonoma preliminary hearing

The long slog of criminal justice

The thesis that started a movement

"You're ruining your life." How my first arrest changed everything.

First contact with a convicted felon

The mass extermination of animals is the greatest atrocity in human history

Animal law's reckoning

Rescue is the defining action of the animal rights movement

This Washington Post article has a secretly radical animal rights message

The trial of open rescue

The misplaced priorities of prosecutors in North Carolina

Who should we trust?

Four unexpected reflections on death

A one-sentence response to all the recent news on animal rights

Jewel's grandma cooked a cat with cheese sauce. What that says about the naturalistic fallacy.

What the stunning Republican victory in Virginia tells us about race politics

The Great Reversal

A self evaluation of this blog

Ted Cruz didn't defend Nazis. But he's still wrong.

A simple solution to the vaccine mandate controversy

The Matrix is here. It's called the Metaverse.

What Dune gets right and wrong about social change

Which political party is better for animals?

Three things that give me hope

The piglet who made it in The New York Times

Lisa's funeral is postponed

Why we should have funerals for our animal friends

Remembering Lisa

What research says about grief

Why you should spend all your time on Facebook

I started this blog so you won't read it

Lessons on love. From a killer.

Coming soon